Saturday, January 25, 2020

Analysing Of The Riba Work Stages

Analysing Of The Riba Work Stages On each of the initial work stages of a project the architect is involved in many ways and uses many skills. Before the architect begins any work they must be appointed under the RIBA concise conditions agreement or SW 99. The following is a brief outline of what an architect does in a RIBA standard agreement between architect and client. The first two RIBA work stages come under term Preparation in the RIBA, Outline Plan of Work 2007. The first stage is stage A, Appraisal; this mainly involves establishing the needs of the client. Three main tasks are carried out. Throughout the initial stages of the project constant communication between the architect and client takes place. Firstly, the architect must carry out studies to determine the feasibility of the Clients requirements. The architect may also review the alternative design and construction approaches and the cost implications of each with the client. At this stage the architect may also provide information for reports on the cost implications. During stage B (Design Brief) the initial Statement of Requirements is developed into the Design Brief. Although this is the responsibility of the client the architect often contributes to its development additionally. Stages C, D and E come under the heading Design. This begins with Stage C (Concept), where the architect would usually be required to prepare outline proposals for things, such as, the building structure and building services. The architects also develop concept designs for project. Throughout this stage the architect will be leasing with other members of the team, such as, engineers, quantity surveyors and planning supervisors. This communication helps the architect to provide the client with information on approximate construction costs and cost planning which must then be assessed by the client in the stage report. Stage D (Design Development) involves the completion of the project brief and the further development of the concept designs. At this stage a cost estimate, or information for a cost estimate, must be provided and the architect will be working closely with statutory planning authorities, for instance, local planning departments. The architect must also prepare a detailed planning application, including drawings and an Access and Design Statement. At the end of stage D the architect must obtain signed approval by the client of a stage D report (this is broadly outlined in Task 3). The Shirebrook Academy has just seen the completion of this stage and has now been submitted to planning. b) Involvement by the architectural technologist in the science and technology of the building, rather than the creative and artistic side, is the main difference between the work of the architect and the architectural technologist. Many of the tasks undertaken overlap with the work of the architect and a strong collaboration exists. For example, when working on stages C and D both architect and architectural technologist may work together on developing the project brief and design programme, each contributing specific skills to the project. The architectural technologist may contribute by evaluating and advising upon environmental strategies and material specification, while the architect may work on spatial relationships and movement path diagrams. c) CIAT is a non-profit organization which aims to further the profession and the interests of people working within it. Being a member of CIAT gives many benefits. Firstly, CIAT is the only professional and chartered body that represents architectural technologists and technicians. The different grades of membership/qualification represent a persons competence in an area and this is recognised across the industry. As a student the main benefits of membership may be though the prospect of increased career opportunities. Potential employers recognise the body and that you have a professional attitude and commitment to developing. Membership also brings more direct benefits to a student, such as the vast access to current up to date information on policies and practices. This is available digitally online or though seminars and lectures. For instance, if up to date information on a certain material is needed for the Shirebrook school project, being a member of CIAT would give access to information sheets and technical guidance on the material. Being a member also provides the opportunity to network with other members allowing knowledge to be shared. Other benefits of membership include several free gifts and discounts. Members get free subscriptions to the Building Products magazine and discounts on other magazines and books, such as, the Architects Journal and books at the RIBA bookshop. Membership allows you to apply for scholarships and awards run by the body, in particular the Student Award for Technical Excellence in Architectural Technology, which again helps to show your ability to employers. Finally, as a member free professional indemnity insurance and legal support are available to you if needed. Few reasons for not joining CIAT exist so I would strongly advise you to join. The only perceivable drawback is the membership fee, although as a student this would not apply to you. Task 3 a) There are many reasons why the design team have chosen to procure much of the Shirebrook project off-site. Several drivers for change have made prefabrication the best choice. The political driver for off-site construction can be traced back to two documents published in1994 and 1998: Constructing the Team by Sir Michael Latham and Rethinking Construction by Sir John Egan. These reports were designed to drive the industry forward. The Latham report suggested partnering (between suppliers and clients) and both reports suggest that prefabrication can offer greater on-site quality and efficiency and less time spent on site. Other driving forces towards off-site construction are the shortage of skilled onsite workers and more rigorous building regulations being put in place. Using off-site construction techniques can also has a more direct impact on the project in terms of cost savings and quality improvements. Firstly, costs can be cut due to the several factors. The nature of off-site construction means than building can be erected quickly on site. This means that skilled workers spend less time on site, so do not need to be paid for long time periods. Secondly, off-site construction can lead to less wastage of materials because more components can be ordered and cut to size, thus, reducing cost of materials as well as the embodied carbon in the building. Spending less time on site also means that the risk of accidents occurring is reduced. Quality and performance of the construction can be improved greatly as manufacturing components in factories means that they can be precision machined to high levels of accuracy within a controlled climate. Consequently, less of the construction process is subject to the risks associated with adverse weather which can lead to less defects and a greater quality finished product. With the use of off-site prefabrication the building regulations for such things as thermal and acoustic performance can be met more easily; a good example of this is SIPs panels. In conclusion, both the Latham and Egan reports suggest off-site manufacture and the associated benefits of cost-effectiveness, safety and speed are the main reasons why the Shirebrook School is being procured in this way. Also, the current government BSF (Building Schools for the Future) initiative aims to replace or rebuild all secondary schools in England by 2020; this means that projects need to follow fast routs of procurement. The Shirebrook School will hopefully reach completion on time (aim for doors open to students in Sept 2010). This will be made more achievable through the use of off-site construction and prefabrication methods. b) The main drawbacks of off-site construction involve transport and logistics: with transport being one area where prefabricated buildings are frequently criticised. Large units need to be transported usually by road this means more fuel is used contributing to greater emissions. The use and size of prefabricated components is also limited by the condition of the site transport and access. The maximum width for an unaccompanied load in the UK is 2.9 m (this can be increased to 4.3 m with a police escort). BRE output 209291 Another drawback of off-site construction may be the longer lead in time for design and manufacture which may be required as a consequence of the involvement of additional parties. Effective coordination of component manufacture lines is required. If one component is late then there is a knock on effect on the whole construction time. Also, on conventional sites substituting a product is not usually a problems, whereas, substituting or changing materials and products during the design of a building procured off-site may create problems in the factory. Some aesthetic limitations do exist especially in modular off-site construction techniques, however, in my opinion the benefits of off-site construction far outweigh the drawbacks. Task 4 a) The main reason for work stage reports are because they provide an effective means of managing the project and maintaining control of the project. At the end of each of the RIBA work stage a reports is submitted to the client. Work stage reports combine information from different groups into one document. This allows the client to monitor the performance and progress of the entire project on a regular basis. After each stage the client can then give approval so that the project can continue to the next stage: usually by signing off the work stage report, particularly at stages D and E. The initial work stage reports help by stating clear objectives of the project. Work stage reports can be used to identify changes to the project or project brief and allow subsequent changes and action to be taken. They allow clients to see things such as the resources and finance required to complete the project. For example at the end of each stage reports on costs can be analysed by the client to check the project remains viable and affordable. The report ensures that the design meets the needs of the client. The work stage system allows progression of the project. After each stage a new set of objectives or instructions can be laid out by the client for the following stage if required. Work stage reports may also be useful as they can be used to fulfil legal and authoritative obligations. For example, they can be used in the event of legal problems to show that proper procedures have been followed at each stage. Reports also ensure that safety procedures are followed and recorded and ensure that projects meet the required safety standards and requirements. In addition, work stage reports provide a comprehensive documentation of the construction process from start to finish. A work stage report at the end of stage D can be used to help obtain planning permission by submission to the relevant planning board. At the conclusion of Stage D, the satisfied client must sign off the Design and the Project Brief. After stage D any changes made by the client will mean additional expenses. b) Contents of Stage D report: The following Stage D report outline contents page shows outputs associated with the Architects office. The report would usually also contain information from structural, electrical, environmental and mechanical engineers (depending on the design). 1. Finalised Project Brief developed from the Strategic Brief 2. Detailed Proposals Design intentions Site layout Planning and spatial arrangements Build and construction information Environmental systems information 2.6 Environmental impact assessment Schedule of Accommodation, showing areas, gross areas and percentages Outline Specifications Risk Assessment 6. Full Planning application, application for listed building consent or application for conservation area consent, including: 6.1. Prototypes mock-ups and model images, in context with site 6.2. Development proposals (drawings at 1:200 for Comprehensive Design Project) 6.3 Design and Access Statement 6.4 Developments and changes to existing buildings 7. A full set of project drawings. (The scope of which is shown below). 8. Cost information Projected cost estimate An elemental cost plan Firm cost plan c) Accompanying drawing for stage D (all scales will depend on the nature and size of the project) Flow diagrams showing layouts and relationships. (Varying scales depending on nature of drawing up to around 1:50) Site plan, showing hard and soft landscaping (1:500 for Shirebrook School Development) All building floor plans in context with the surrounding landscape and buildings. (Scale 1:200 for Shirebrook School Development). All key elevations in context with the surrounding landscape and buildings. (Scale 1:200 for Shirebrook School Development). Key Sections, annotated and showing materials and integration of services and systems (1:200 and 1:100 for Shirebrook School Development but up to 1:50 depending on nature of the drawing)

Friday, January 17, 2020

Judicial Precedent Essay

Judicial Precedent is another important source of law, it is an independent source of law, where there are no legislations on the particular point in statute Books, and Judicial Precedent works great. Judicial precedent has been accepted as one of the important sources of law in most of the legal systems. It is also a continuous, growing source of law. According to Salmond, the doctrine of precedent has two meanings, namely (1) in a loose sense precedent includes merely reported case-law which may be cited and follows by the court, (2) in its strict sense, precedent means that case-law which not only has a great binding authority. But must also be followed. There are variety of different views about the nature of judicial precedent. According to Jermy Bentham, Precedent is a judge-made Law while Austine calls it as judiciary’s law; Keeton holds precedents as those judicial pronouncements of the court which carry with them certain authority having a binding force. In simple wor ds precedent means judge-made decisions which are used in further cases. A judicial precedent is purely constitutive in nature and never abrogative. Means it can create law but cannot abolish it. The judges are not at liberty to substitute their own views where there is a settled principle of law. They can only fill in the gaps in the legal system and so we can say that precedent means a case decided previously. Or precedent is any set pattern upon which future conduct may be based. Judicial precedent is a decision by a competent court of justice upon a disputed point of view which becomes, not merely a guide but an authority to be followed by all courts of co-ordinate or inferior jurisdiction and administrating the same system until it has been overruled by a court of superior jurisdiction or by a statute of superior authority, e.g., an Act of Parliament. The justification of the binding rule of judicial precedent is based on the several reasons these are that, precedent is based on practical experience. Rather than logic, it is based on convenience in the sense that it is provided in settled law and thus saved the labour of judges. It prevents error of judgment by individual judges, it prevents partiality on the part of the judges It helps lawyers to take a cautious view of the development of law on the basis of past judicial experience because of above all factors precedents are become achieve important place as one of the important source of law. Precedents can be classified into two categories: (1) Authoritative and (2) Persuasive. The authoritative precedent is one  which has a binding force and the judge must follow it whether he approves it or not. Authoritative precedents are the decisions of superior court of justice which are binding on subordinate courts. For ex. Supreme Court, High Courts, Persuasive precedents, on the other hand, is on which the judges are under no obligation to follow but which they may take into consideration at the time of making decision. Now from all above discussion we are well able to understand precedent, how we discussed the position of precedent in real practice and its recent value in administration of justice. In the recent years, the value of the doctrine of precedent has become a debatable issue. In England the importance of precedent is much more than in any continental country, that is why it is often said that judicial precedent is an unique feature of common law countries because the great body of the common law or unwritten law is almost entirely the product of decided cases and common law of England has been created by the decision of English judges and precedent is not merely evidence of the law but a source of it and the courts are bound to follow the law that is so established. House of Lords is the highest Court in England, its decisions bind all the inferior courts, the House of Lords itself is bound by its own previous decision but this position after a long controversy and various debates become change after the famous classic case. Boys v. Chaplin, 1968 IAIIER 283 and it is finally decided that as the House of Lords is the highest court in England, its decisions are absolutely binding on all inferior courts. But House of Lords is now not bound by its own earlier decisions and so nowadays House of Lords is not bound by its own previous decisions. In continental countries like Germany France, Italy, judicial precedent has only instructive value and it is not authoritative. In these countries its importance is no greater than that of a textbook of law. In India judicial precedent has great value. The position of precedent becomes clear after 1950 and the doctrine of precedent gets a constitutional recognition. Art. 141 of the constitution provide that law declared by the Supreme Court to be binding on all courts, within the territory of India. It is clear from the wordings of Article 141 that the law declared by the Supreme Court is binding on all courts in India. But there after in various debates question arises that, whether the expression all courts include Supreme Court also. This question gives birth to various new views, that whether Supreme Court follows the British model of the House  of Lords of ‘be bound’ or the U.S.A. Supreme Court ‘not be bound’. This question was first discussed by S.C. in the famous case. Now it is finally concluded from all forgoing discussion that the position of precedent from past to presen t is changed in vast dimensions and importance. Value of precedent is now decreased to some extent and new concepts of prospective overruling has evolved to avoid the complications in vast changing society. In true sense precedents enable the judges to re-shape law according to the social need and at the same time the binding authority of the precedent acts as an effective check on the arbitrary discretion of the judges. Precedent helps common people to know about the intricate principles of law. Precedent helps Lawyers in their argument without waste of unnecessary time and energy whenever they want to cite any case-law. It also provides useful guidelines for the judges in deciding cases before them. But there are some contrary arguments towards precedent as Bentham did not recognize precedent as law at all because it lacks binding force of the state. Some critics argue that, statute law is more important than precedent, they say that, judicial precedents are published in law reports which are in such a large number that it becom es practically difficult to find out a particular case from such a voluminous legal literature and so it is very time consuming, they also contend that, at one time, different courts express conflicting opinions on the same point which renders the validity of precedent doubtful and uncertain and there is always a possibility of erroneous judgment in such a case. Another objection which is quite often raised against precedent is that development of law through case-law more or less depends upon chance, because there is no test available for determining the validity of law made by precedent. Sometimes erroneous decisions of S.C. create practical problems for the subordinate judges as they are bound to follow these decisions howsoever wrong or defective. This adversely affects the growth and development of law in the right direction. But despite the aforesaid critical argument, judicial precedent has been as one of the important sources of law in most of the legal systems particularly U.K., U.S.A., Australia, Afro-Asian countries and India as the merits of the binding effect of the precedent (decision) it must be stated that it gives certainty and uniformity to law and brings about its scientific development and precedents always remain an effective weapon of shaping and developing  law according to the needs of the changing society.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Essay about Conflict Resolution - 1105 Words

Conflict Resolution Many people enjoy working or participating in a group or team, but when a group of people work together chances are that conflicts will occur. Hazleton describes conflict as the discrepancy between what is the perceived reality and what is seen as ideal (2007). â€Å"We enter into conflicts reluctantly, cautiously, angrily, nervously, confidently- and emerge from them battered, exhausted, sad, satisfied, triumphant. And still many of us underestimate or overlook the merits of conflict- the opportunity conflict offers every time it occurs† (Schilling, nd.). Conflict does not have to lead to a hostile environment or to broken relationships. Conflict if resolved effectively can lead to a positive experience for everyone†¦show more content†¦Keeping all these in mind can lead to the best solution to solve the conflict. Change and Expectations People do not always adjust well to change. Oftentimes when change occurs, conflict will arise. The new boss on the job or the new member of the team may be the change that brings a conflict. Expectations if not set clearly and held to standard can also lead to conflict among the team. Expectations must be set from the beginning. Expectations must also be clear and it must be verified that each team member understands the expectations. If a short coming on the expectations occurs, then action must be taken immediately. If no action is taken this could be understood as silent approval and team members will believe that the expectation is no longer important or required. When conflict does occur, the five models set out in The Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument sets the standards for resolving the conflict. Avoidance Avoidance is defined as â€Å"an act or practice of avoiding or withdrawing from something† ( Avoidance may not b e the answer if the conflict directly affects the team or the team’s goal. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

History of Converse - 3778 Words

Raffles College of Design and Commerce Strategic Brand Management Born in Basketball, raised by Rock and Roll Converse – A case study Nailton Oliveira 114MDA3530 April, 2012 INTRODUCTION Branding is, in fact, in the spot these days. They are everywhere. Brands decide where economy or fashion goes. Brands gives names to new actions, make the world even more global and are synonym of power. Knowing how to create a reputation of the company with accurate strategies and acknowledging the risks of it, can bring fame and success. It is part of a company’s capital and because of that it needs smart and strategic management so it can generate profits. Converse has an interesting example of strategic brand management. Converse†¦show more content†¦Nike maintained the brand, without changing the aspect of the shoe. Converse was the first athletic shoe marketed by Nike without bearing the Nike name. In my opinion, the purchase was a great deal for Converse. Since both companies were competitors but at the same time had a different core products (Nike was focused on the hard sports image and Converse in the retro-look style; Converse was known for its low prices, Nike’s could go to double of the price), the buying was the opportunity to Converse rebuild itself and gained the market it owns today. The chief executive of Converse at that time, Jack Boys, referred to the company s troubles and changes. Over the past two years, we have rebuilt and reinvigorated the Converse brand, Mr. Boys said. But our job is not done. Under Nike ownership, Mr. Boys said, Converse hoped to expand further internationally. It’s estimated that more than 60% of Americans own or has owned a pair of Chuck Taylor All Stars during their lifetime according to Hal Peterson. Because of the heritage and respect that Converse had built over the years, the brand maintains in the market till the present date. 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