Thursday, October 31, 2019

Functions of Food Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Functions of Food - Essay Example Even when the body is under relaxation (i.e. during sleep) energy is compulsory to carry out the automatic processes of the body such as digestion, respiration, circulation, the beating of the heart etc. Energy is also compulsory to carry out skilled, household and other activities. To do this activities energy is absolutely necessary and that energy comes from foods, food which have more carbohydrates and fats in it. Secondly, Foods generally provide the human body the necessary materials for the tissue building, growth and body repair and all these ingredients are present in the proteins and minerals which are available in the food. In the human body, the development of muscles, bones in different parts of the body and their maintenance all entirely dependent on protein and that protein is there in healthy foods. Different minerals like calcium, iron, and phosphorus affect the formation of blood and skeleton tissue (bones). Thirdly, healthy foods protect the human body from the att ack of different diseases. In this case, vitamins play a vital in regulating body processes like growth, eyesight, health of the skin, the formation of teeth and good digestion. Minerals also act as catalysts for many biological reactions within the body. Minerals also play a key role apart from development in muscle and bones in the development of a nervous system which helps the body to react to different kinds of external situations. Both vitamins and minerals are important in order to maintain the general health of the body.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Terms Modernism and Postmodernism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Terms Modernism and Postmodernism - Essay Example The essay "Terms Modernism and Postmodernism" analyzes modernism and postmodernism and focuses on the theory of Post-Colonialism. There is not a single unanimously agreed definition of modernism and different scholars have defined it differently. Despite the absence of any agreed definition of modernism, all of the definitions of modernism talk about the changes in art, literature, business, and even in the daily lives of individuals because of the industrial revolution and formation of the industrial cities. In academic studies, modernism is a philosophical movement or is a particular perspective of looking at the universe and examining the activities of daily life. Modernism is the movement that shakes off all traditional things including religious belief from individuals’ lives and tries to make everything new. The movement encourages experimentation in every field and, therefore, new perspectives emerge. The effect of the modernism is conspicuous in art and literature as w ell. In literature, the writers reject the traditional method of writing smooth narrative fiction and â€Å"stream of consciousness† emerges as the replacement of the old narrative. The emergence of â€Å"abstract art† and â€Å"diversionist paintings† is the results of modernism. The philosophical movement of modernism starts in late nineteenth and early twentieth century. It is â€Å"a set of ideas†. Post-modernism is also a kind of philosophical movement at the development either scientifically or non- scientifically in every walk of life.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Philosophy And Methods For Data Collection Management Essay

Philosophy And Methods For Data Collection Management Essay This chapter looks at the research methodology and any limitations or potential problems in context to the researchers investigation of the leadership styles and their effects in influencing military divers safety perceptions, participation and acceptance of safety change within the MOD. The relevant sub-sections will specifically detail the selected strategy subscribed to in pursuit of answers to the research questions and the way in which data was gathered, analysed and utilised, and will further: Discuss the research strategy plan and considerations; Explain the reasons for the data collection methods adopted; Present the framework for data analysis and the techniques chosen to achieve the research goals. Both Bryman and Bell (2010) and Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill (2009) provide clear direction and full explanation of the layers connected with research strategy and design in terms relating to research: philosophies, approaches, strategies, methods, time horizons, technique and procedures. Figure 3-1 gives graphic representation of the Research Onion as presented by Saunders et al. (2009, p. 108). For a researcher Saunders et al. (2009, p. 108) advocates that the philosophy adopted is an important assumption about the way the world is viewed, and will underpin the research strategy and methods chosen. Saunders et al. (2009, p. 107) quantifies that The over-arching term research philosophy relates to the development of knowledge and the nature of that knowledge. The researcher view for this study is subjectivist, adopting an interpretivism philosophy combined with an inductive approach. Subjectivism is the interpretation of the meaning that individuals attach to group life occurrences; in context the researcher understands the social interaction between diving supervisors and subordinates relating to maintenance and acceptance of diving safety (Saunders et. al. 2009, p. 111). Interpretivism is the appreciation of the differences between individuals as social players; key to this will be the researcher adopting an empathetic position to enter the group world of the research subjects to fully experience and appreciate their viewpoint as far as he is able (Saunders et. al. 2009, p. 116). Inductive research approach (formulation of theory); adopting this approach allowed the researcher to gain a better understanding of people, and their attachment, in real world situations, whilst providing a greater degree of flexibility to allow changes to research emphasis as the project progressed (Saunders et. al. 2009, p. 126). The objectives for this study are set within the context of a military high risk operational diving organisation and are looking to: Identify the leadership style that best influences military divers safety perceptions, participation and acceptance of safety change. Explore the military divers concepts of safety leadership and their understanding of the defence diving safety climate. Examine the attitudes and perceptions of military divers to the organisational and technological safety changes, and the leadership of these changes. A key aspect of value to this research is the opportunity, as identified during the literature review, to bridge a gap in existing research to associate an effective leadership style, with improved safety: education, participation and acceptance of change within a dynamic and diverse high risk defence military diving environment. The people of the armed forces are the key component from leadership to subordinate, and the integration between the two will determine the success and achievement of the maritime fighting operational capability. The chosen research philosophy is proposed as effectively allowing the researcher to understand the social interaction between leadership and those they command, to gain an appreciation of the differences between individuals and the roles they perform, and to understand the values that individuals attach to safety events in the setting of a frontline operational FDG. This research is a conscious effort to assist the military command to analyse and d evelop safety leadership skills, and equally important, educate and encourage others, whilst gaining an understanding of subordinates perception and perspective of the military diving safety climate. Figure 3-1. The Research Onion (Saunders et al., 2009, p. 108) 3.2 Research Strategy In the process of framing a clear overall research plan due consideration has been given to the research project in terms of the objectives and research questions relative to the purpose of this study. The research strategy choice is led by the research questions and objectives, the amount of existing knowledge, time constraints and the resources available, supported by the researchers philosophical foundation (Saunders et. al. 2009, p. 141). This research involves serving military personnel within three operational units in the organisational structure of the FDG. The research purpose is a practical investigation with the study emphasis looking at a situation in order to explain the association between effective leadership styles and subordinate participation, perception and acceptance of safety change within a safety focused organisation. Within the context of this study, and linking the relevancy of the research methodology to the research project objectives and questions, the researcher justifies the selection of an explanatory case study strategy as the key research paradigm. A case study concentrating on the FDG as the organisation, and the three embedded FDUs within as the sub-units, will provide an empirical investigation of present military diving safety leadership within its real life operational context using multiple sources of evidence. The researcher has identified the following reasons for selecting the chosen strategy as the most appropriate: The emphasis is on studying a situation or problem in order to explain the relationships between variables (changeable military operational diving environment), Saunders et al. (2009, p. 140) explains studies that establish casual relationships between variables are termed explanatory research. Explanatory case studies centre on trying to find out explain why something happens. Biggam (2011, p. 118) cites Cohen and Manion (1995) who describe that the case study researcher typically observes the characteristics of an individual unit (single case study) or number of units (multiple case study); the purpose of such observation is to probe deeply and to analyse intensely the different phenomena that constitute the life cycle of the unit or units. Saunders et al. (2009, p. 145) supports a case study strategy by citing Robson (2002) who defines case study as a strategy for doing research which involves an empirical investigation of a particular contemporary phenomenon within its real life context using multiple sources of evidence. Saunders et al. (2009, p. 146) advocates that the adoption of a case study strategy will give a rich understanding of the context of the research, and the processes being enacted and the ability to generate answers to research questions that seek a range of different kinds of evidence. Ethical Review A University of Portsmouth Ethics Approval Form Students has been completed at Appendix 1. Ethical implications have been considered in terms of this research strategy and the key ethical issues affecting participants regarding: safety, harm, embarrassment, stress, privacy consent, confidentiality have all been carefully covered and have been fully documented within that document. The Information Sheet and Consent Form at Appendix 3 were utilised, which clearly provides information regarding participant involvement and anonymity. 3.3 Data Collection Two data collection techniques that are commonly used within research are quantitative and qualitative. Bryman and Bell (2010, p. 26-27) outlines that quantitative research is a strategy that emphasizes quantification in the collection and analysis of data (numeric); whereas qualitative research is a strategy that accentuates words (non-numeric). Saunders et al. (2009, p. 151) gives further explanation in that the research data collection technique chosen will be guided by the research questions, which if clearly formulated will effectively determine the method used to answer them. A military diving organisation, operating within a high risk complex environment, has many sources of data that can be drawn from to facilitate a better understanding of the people, and their attachment, in this real world situation. Focusing on the keywords to identify, explore and examine it was decided to use a mixed methods approach which allows for different data collection techniques to establish an outcome from more than one angle (thereby offering a measure of triangulation). The emphasis for data gathering concentrated on the use of questionnaires, and researcher participant observation to collect primary data from a sample source of fifty-three personnel serving within the FDG units, giving a confidence level of 95% with a 1% margin of error. The rank range of the fifty-three personnel was CDR to AB; RN rank hierarchy structure is presented at Figure 3-2. Secondary data was sourced from organisational documentation. Figure 3-2. RN Rank Hierarchy Structure. The literature search strategy was conducted via the University of Portsmouth Library intranet, using the databases Science Direct, Web of Knowledge, Emerald, Business Source Premier and Ebrary e-book reference library. The key search words used and combinations are detailed in Table 3-1. Google Scholar Advance was also utilised using the same key words. The military Defence Intranet was used to source and review military reports, documents and publications. The researchers of the articles all come from reliable academic and professional backgrounds; as research authors they have been attributed with academic articles in credible publications on the topic and related issues of leadership and management competency. Table 3-1. Key Research Search Words Key Search Words Leadership Safety Military Perception Style(s) Climate Effective Indicators Commitment Transactional Transformational Training Occupational Workplace Acceptance Models Health and Safety Executive Commercial Organisations Passive Participation Change Criteria 3.4 Framework for Data Analysis Bryman and Bell (2010, p. 571) suggest that one of the central complications with qualitative research is that it very quickly generates a bulky, cumbersome database due to dependence on text in the form of field notes, interview transcripts, or documents. The task of framing research data for analysis is a process of describing, analysing and interpreting the collected empirical data (Biggam, 2011, p. 113). Saunders et al. (2009, p. 490) put forward the use of qualitative analysis processes such as summarising (condensation), categorisation (grouping), and structuring (ordering) of meanings from collected data, and that all of these can be used in isolation or in combination to support interpretation of data. Saunders et al. (2009, p. 491) outlines that the procedures for analysing qualitative data can be highly structured, whereas others adopt a much lower level of structure. In contrast quantitative data analysis in the forms of graphs, charts and statistics allow for presentation , description and examination of data to establish trends (Saunders et al. 2009, p. 414). In support of an inductive research approach primary quantitative data was analysed using tabular and pie chart representation, and qualitative data by summarising and narrative thematic analysis. The data gathering process included the use of questionnaires to gather quantitative data and field notes were taken as part of the participant observations to gather qualitative data. Figure 3-3 presents the adopted quantitative and qualitative analysis process for this research project. As research developed related information and ideas were recorded by the use of interim summaries and self-memo as analytical aids. Figure 3-3. Data Analysis Process Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis Process Compare Findings (Literature Review) Collect Data Analysis Process Group Themes and Issues Perform Analysis (Interpret what is happening 3.5 Limitations and Potential Problems The selection of a particular research strategy is determined as Saunders et al. (2009, p. 108) suggests by the researchers view of the nature of reality or being (ontology), the view regarding what constitutes acceptable knowledge (epistemology), and the view of the role of values in research (axiology). In terms of this research project the adopted philosophy is that of interpretivism; comprehension of the differences between individuals as group players (Saunders et al. (2009, p. 119). To support this rationale and provide clarification, this research is focused on an investigation amongst individuals within an organisation and the importance of gaining a better understanding of the differences between the leadership and follower human factors and the roles that these differences play. The emphasis for the use of an inductive (formulation of theory) approach and the link with adopting an interpretivism philosophy is based on the following key aspects: The research is value bound and the author is part of what is being researched and cannot be separated and so will be subjective (Saunders et al. (2009, p. 119) The authors view regarding acceptable knowledge is subjective focusing on the details of the situation and the reality behind these details (Saunders et al. (2009, p. 119) Research emphasis is on mixed method (quantitative and qualitative) data collection from a small sample with a purpose of in-depth investigation to gain an impression of what is going on at the coalface, so as to understand better the nature of the situation. The Case Study is a research strategy that has been employed by researchers to tackle and offer an understanding of real-life issues across a broad range of study areas. Saunders et al. (2009, p. 146) suggest as a strategy the case study is considered apt in generating answers to Why?, What? and How? questions which as a strategy will be of particular importance for this safety research where the aim is to gain a deep understanding of the situation and the procedures being performed (Saunders et al. 2009, p. 146). Contemplation of the rationale for this investigative project and the use of multiple method data collection and analysis techniques best fit the influences and aim of an investigative research project into real-life safety leadership and management in context to a high reliability military organisation. Bryman and Bell (2010, p. 42) suggest that a research method is simply a technique for collecting data, and an essential criterion for business research is that the study is reliable (dependable), can be replicated (confirmability), and is valid (credible), therefore it is vital to ensure that data collection and analysis is relevant to ensure the study is focused and concise. The time-frame associated with this research project will only permit a snapshot to be taken at a particular time and as suggested by Saunders et al. (2009, p. 155) a cross-sectional time horizon best suits academic research projects of this type. Consideration of the short time frame and small sample group; ke y to this research projects success is therefore centred in the selection of multiple research methods with focus on empirical data collection from questionnaires and participative observation techniques to collect primary data, supported by secondary data collection from organisational documentation. Use of a mixed methods approach can yield better prospects to answer the research questions and evaluate the extent to which findings may be trusted and inferences made (Saunders et. al. 2009, p. 160). Saunders et. al. (2009, p. 156) discuss the credibility of research findings with reference to reliability (that data collection and analysis produce consistent results) and validity (that results are actually about what they seem to be about). The selected research approach is considered to provide reliability; the researcher was mindful of the threats such as participant and observer error and bias, which could present threats to reliability. In an effort to combat participant prejudices and inaccuracy anonymity was maintained throughout, and questionnaires were completed at a selected time that as far as possible prevented external influence. To mitigate against observer partialities and mistakes accurate field notes where maintained during observations, and embedded periods where spent with each FDG unit to gain a real sense of the situation, recording actual events as they occurred rather than relying on memory. The researcher has delivered consistent and valid research which ha s investigated safety leadership and the concepts and perception of military divers as set out within this chapter in the context of real military missions and rehearsals; where their has been risk of equipment failure, individual error and environment issues at all times.

Friday, October 25, 2019

War Explored in Literature Essay -- The Crucible, The Minister’s Black

War Explored in The Crucible by Arthur Miller, â€Å"The Minister’s Black Veil† by Nathaniel Hawthorne, â€Å"The Story of an Hour† by Kate Chopin, and Leap to Freedom by Kasenkina â€Å"Now every road and highway†¦was littered with the corpses of human beings and animals†¦the wounded were left to die. Children ran frantically, shrieking for their mothers†¦there was no food, water, soap, or medical supplies. Like polluted waters became carriers of disease (Kasenkina 93).† This is a typical scene of war demonstrated in literary works. In literature war is a very common, yet important subject and it is generally demonstrated in plays, short stories, and novels. Some of the pieces of literature in where war is shown include: The Crucible by Arthur Miller, â€Å"The Minister’s Black Veil† by Nathaniel Hawthorne, â€Å"The Story of an Hour† by Kate Chopin, and Leap to Freedom by Kasenkina. In these pieces of literature war is shown as a horrid event that always has both physically and psychologically bad outcomes. In many literary works including the ones mentioned above the good outcomes in war are misrepresented an d suppressed by the bad outcomes in war. To Begin, In The Crucible by Arthur Miller there was a war within neighbors. This literary work highly demonstrated both the physically and psychologically harsh outcomes while the good outcomes were subdued. â€Å"†¦Think on it now, it’s a deep thing, and dark as a pit (Kinsella 1251). In this statement Giles was talking about how people are not getting along and are accusing each other of witchcraft. This is an introduction to the harsh physical outcome because people are tortured till they confess of being involved in witchcraft even if they aren’t. Then, if they are â€Å"proven† to be witches but, ... ...he good outcomes of war and stop portraying war as a horrible event because war brings about many great qualities from people by either making them fight for what they believe is right or just making them learn more about other people and themselves. Works Cited Kasenkina, Oksana Stepanovna. Leap to Freedom. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott, 1949. Print. Kinsella, Kate The Crucible. Prentice Hall Literature: Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, 2002. 1233-334. Print. Kinsella, Kate "The Minister's Black Veil." Prentice Hall Literature: Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, 2002. 336-48. Print. Kinsella, Kate "The Story of an Hour." Prentice Hall Literature: Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, 2002. 634-38. Print.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Ways to Prevent Influences of Rock Music on Teenagers

The subject of rock has been controversial and a source of conflict between parents and children ever since it first appeared on the scene in the mid 1950’s. When Elvis Presley performed on the Ed Sullivan Show for the first time in 1956, the cameras only showed him from the waist up, because adults were offended by the way he shook his hips. The kids loved it! When the Beatles arrived in the mid 1960’s, parents were shocked again this time by the mop-top haircuts. But young people were swept away by the infectious enthusiasm of their music.After the Beatles, more shocks were in store as groups like the Rolling Stones and the Animals popularized a more coarse, gritty, and vulgar style of blues-influenced rock. Rock and Roll has a major impact on our society and the way people acted. Early on the issues of cars, school, dating, and clothing, and the famous artists or bands that are singing them could really influence the minds of young kids. A lot of the songs would also talk about events or conflicts that people listening could relate too.Topics such as sex and drugs that were pretty much unacceptable in the 1950s were starting to be in songs in the 1960s and 1970s, and now today rock artists such as Marilyn Manson sings about everything. Eventhough rock music is one of the arts that promotes creativity and expression, it still has negative effects on our society today, especially among teenagers. The first effect that we can see are rock music is a genre of music that uses guitar, drum and bass, which contribute to its noisy music.Not only that, the most negative part of rock music is its heavy metallic sound, which unconsciously makes its listeners violent. Rock music can cause a phenomenon called nerve jamming which is similar to hypnosis. Rock music also an often-cited example in this case is that of a sixteen-year-old boy in Texas, U. S. A who was taken into a trance like state while listening to rock song that he became violent and unconscio usly murdered his aunt.After hearing the negative effects of the rock music, do we as parents would just sit idly by and continue to let the youth drift with rock music that turned out to have an adverse effect on them? Parents always want the best for their children. Thereby, there are several ways to control and prevent this problem from becoming rampant in our society, especially the youth who always need guidance and advice. The first ways that you can do as a parents to prevent the problem is monitor your children's music the same way you supervise their use of television, videos, and the Internet.Developmental psychologists and other researchers who study the effect of media on children have found that parents who are involved in all their children's media choices have a great impact on taming its potentially destructive effects, such as encouraging aggressive behavior and reinforcing negative stereotypes about women and men. Luckily, as parents of young children, you are like ly to be involved in buying the tapes or CDs, or borrowing them from the library, so music choices should be easy to monitor. But remember. The monitoring should be done on an ongoing basis.There are other ways you-can maintain control such as stay involved and listen to your child's music choices with him. If you find something objectionable, clearly explain in specifics why you're concerned so that he begins to understand that you're not just being mean and also you have valid reasons and particular values that you'd like him to understand and adopt. Also, don't make the mistake of dismissing your child to his room to listen in private to music you don't like: The more privacy he has, the less control and awareness you have.You also must to make sure the rules apply to everyone. One way that young children are often exposed to music that may not be appropriate for their ears is through older siblings (and parents). If you don't want your 6-year-old listening to music that offends you, you probably don't want your older kids listening to it, either. Lastly, you can share your favorite selections with your child and make an effort to appreciate his music. Encouraging your child to explore different kinds of music is likely to benefit him in many ways.In fact, our research shows that children whose parents introduce them to, and encourage them to listen to, a variety of music do better in school. Teenagers tend to get their style of dress from musicians that they like. Singers and songwriters have always set the tone for fashion trends. The music and fashion industry have become so intertwined that recording artists are now using their fame to sell their own fashion line of clothing. The rock fashion including black nail polish, waist chains and black makeup fashions are from rock music.For example Sleeveless T-Shirts Rock Band became very popular sense awesome bands like AC / DC, Metallica, Poison, Ratt, Ozzy & others made prototypes all the Rage. The band Nir vana brought the Grundge look to the masses in the 90's. Although this look started out in the city of Seattle, USA, it quickly became a popular fad. Even now in our country, we can see that young children wearing head skin pants, leather jackets, cut rock hair style and so on, where they take advantage of clothing shows how the singer or bands that they like. Follow clothing trends favored artist directly cause teenagers tend to follow the development of the artist.Parents should better monitor and take care of what are their children wearing even where they are, especially the teenagers because this group is more likely to follow changes in fashion and always want up-to-date. Parents can control with a fashion review and selection of children's clothes when they go out shopping. In other way, although the parents just give children pocket money for the teenagers to buy their stuffs or things that they want parents need to find out what fashion and how clothes and the bought by the ir teenage children.As a conclusion, rock music seems to be the most controversial but it also has many positive influences that should be taken in to consideration. There are some negatives that come with it, and those should be filtered out by the parents. So, the next time your child wants to listen to a song they like, instead of immediately refusing, listen with both ears. You will learn much of what your child likes and dislikes. You will gain insight into the thinking of your child. You will also learn what to absolutely deny your child.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Scholarship Guide Korea Ksgp

2013 Korean Government Scholarship Program Guideline for International Students Enrolled in Graduate Programs (2013 ) 2013. 2 ! â€Å"#$%&' ( )(*! â€Å"+ National Institute for International Education (NIIED) 2013 Korean Government Scholarship Program Guideline for International Students Enrolled in Graduate Programs 1. Program Objective The Korean Government Scholarship Program is designed to provide higher education in Korea for international students, with the aim of promoting international exchange in education, as well as mutual friendship amongst the participating countries. . Total Number of Grantees : 760 o 2013 KGSP Allocations by respective Korean Embassies : 360 candidates (from 111 nations) ! Among the 360 candidates, 30 (from 13 nations) overseas Korean adoptees are included. Their quotas are allotted to 13 Korean embassies, and are separate from general candidate quotas. Quota No. of Nations 20 1 China 15 1 The United States 10 2 Japan, Vietnam 9 1 Russia 7 1 Indones ia 5 3 Kyrgyzstan, Myanmar, Turkey 4 9 Mongolia, Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, Philippines, Bulgaria, Uzbekistan, Italy, Kazakhstan 3 20 Name of CountriesAzerbaijan, Bangladesh, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Germany, Ghana, Iraq, Laos, Malaysia, Nigeria, Peru, Singapore, Thailand, The United Kingdom, Uganda, Mexico Saudi Arabia, Taiwan Afghanistan, Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bolivia, Botswana, Brunei, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Canada(Quebec), Chile, Costa Rica, Cote d'Ivoire Czech Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Egypt, El Salvador, Fiji, Finland, France, Gabon, Greece, Greenland, Guatemala, Guinea, Honduras, Hungary, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Latvia, Lebanon, Libya, Malawi, 2 3 Morocco, Namibia, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, OMAN, Panama, Papua, New Guinea, PARAGUAY, Poland, Republic of the Congo, Romania, Rwanda, Senegal, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, Sudan, Sweden, Switzerland, Tajikist an, Tanzania, TIMOR-LESTE, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uruguay, Venezuela, Yemen, Zambia Total , 111 330 Candidates The basis for quota allocation lies in the mutual agreement between Korea and countries listed above. 5 No. of Nations 1 3 1 2 11 Total 13 Quota Name of Countries The United States Canada Australia, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, The United Kingdom 30 Candidates o 2013 KGSP Allocation for the Designated Korean Universities :400 candidates (from 135 nations) No. of Quota Name of Countries Nations 9 1 Mongolia 8 2 Philippines, Thailand 7 2 Indonesia, Vietnam 6 2 Bangladesh, Malaysia 5 12 4 10Brazil, Cambodia, Ethiopia, India, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Myanmar, Russia, The United States, Turkey, Uzbekistan Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Egypt, Israel, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Tanzania Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Finland, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Hungary, Iraq, Italy, 3 26 Laos, Lebanon, Morocco, Nepal, Peru, Poland, Rumania, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Tajikistan The United Kingdom, Timor-Leste, Turkmenistan, UgandaAlgeria, Angola, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Bahrain, Barbados, Belarus, Belgium, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Brunei, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Canada, Central African Republic, Costa Rica, Cote d'ivoire, Croatia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Fiji, France, Gabon, Gambia, Greece, Guinea, 2 80 Guinea Bissau,Guyana, Iran, Ireland, Jamaica, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Liberia,Lithuania, Mauritania, Mauritius, Maldives, Moldova, Mozambique, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Oman, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Portugal, Qatar, Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, Senegal, Serbia, Sierra Leone, Slovakia, Slovenia, Solomon Is. , Spain, Sudan, Suriname, Sweden, Syria, Togo, Tunisia, U. A. E, Ukraine, Venezuela, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe T otal 135 , 389 candidates Among the 400 candidates allocated to the Designated Korean Universities, 11 will be allotted into two outstanding specialized universities separately. 3. Eligible Universities and Fields of Study o Eligible Universities : The 60 listed universities (or institutions) as designated by NIIED – Applicants (including Korean adoptees) who apply for this program via Korean Embassies must choose 3 desired universities out of the 60 universities listed below. – Applicants who apply for this program via the designated universities may choose only 1 desired university out of the 60 universities listed below.Ajou University, Cheongju University, Chonbuk Nat’l University, Chonnam Nat’l University, Chosun University, Chung-Ang University, Chungbuk Nat’l University, Chungnam Nat’l University, Daegu University, Daejeon University, Donga University, Dongguk University, Dongseo University, Ewha Womans University, Gangneung-Wonju Nat ional University, Gyeongsang Nat’l University, Hallym University, Handong Global University, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Hannam University, Hanyang University, Hongik University, Inha University, Inje University, Jeju National University,Jeonju University, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Kangwon Nat’l University, KDI School of Public Policy and Management, Keimyung University, Kongju Nat’l University, Korea University, Korea University of Technology and Education, Kumoh Nat’l Institute of Technology, Kyunghee University, Kyungpook Nat’l University, Kyungsung university, Myongji university, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pukyong Nat’l University, Pusan Nat’l University, Seoul Nat’l University, Seoul Nat’l University of Science and Technology, Silla University, SogangUniversity, Sookmyung Women’s University, SoonChunHyang University, Soongsil University, Sunmoon University , Sunchon National University, Sungkyunkwan University, The Graduate School of Korean Studies in the Academy of Korean Studies, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, University of Science & Technology, University Of Seoul, University of Ulsan, Wonkwang university, Woosong University, Yeungnam University, Yonsei University o Available Fields of Study : Detailed information about the fields and majors offered by the listed eligible universities can be found in the University Information section on the GKS website (www. tudyinkorea. go. kr). Applicants must choose their desired fields of study from the listed programs in the University Information section provided by participating universities. * Night schools, seasonal programs, broadcasting schools, and cyber-schools (including online distant learning programs) are not eligible for application. o Available Courses : Master’s programs and Doctoral programs 4. Main Notes for the 2013 Selection o Applicants have to apply for this program via either an embassy or a designated university.Overseas Korean adoptees have to apply only via an embassy if their countries are allotted the adoptee quotas. o The selection process for applicants will proceed in three steps. Firstly, applicants must be selected 3 by the institution he or she is applying through (a Korean embassy, or a designated university). Secondly, applicants who passed the first round must be selected by the NIIED Selection Committee. Finally, applicants who passed the second round must gain admission from a university. o Institutions a ccepting applications: 1 11 o verseas Korean embassies o r 6 0 d esignated K orean universities. Applicants who submit applications to more than one of the aforementioned institutions will be disqualified immediately. o Selection Procedure – 1st Selection: Each 1st selection institution will draft a selections standard based on the criteria provisioned by NIIED, and recommend the best applicants a ccording to its respective standards. – 2nd Selection: The NIIED Selection Committee will select the most successful candidates from the pool of applicants recommended by the 1st selection institutions. 3rd Selection: Only the candidates who were recommended by a Korean embassy and passed the 2nd selection successfully will be evaluated for admission by the 3 universities to which they applied; each candidate has to gain admission from at least one university. * Applicants who were recommended by a designated university will automatically be granted admission to the university that recommended them, upon the condition they are selected as a successful candidate in the 2nd Selection.Subsequently, once they pass the mandatory medical examination (when it’s orientation), they will join the ranks of the final successful candidates. 5. Duration of Scholarship o Master’s (01. 09. 2013 ~ 31. 08. 2016) : 1 yr. of Korean language + 2 yrs of Master’s o Doctoral (01 . 09. 2013 ~ 31. 08. 2017) : 1 yr. of Korean language + 3 yrs of Doctoral * (Important) After the Korean language course, the scholarship period of degree course (2 years of master’s or 3 years of doctoral) cannot be extended beyond the designated duration. In the case that a scholar possesses a TOPIK Level that is higher than 5, he or she is exempted from the Korean language course; the exempted period will be deducted from the total scholarship period (2 years for master’s or 3 years for doctoral). * In the case that a scholar possesses a TOPIK Level 6, he or she must be exempted from the Korean language course and must start his/her academic course of Master or Doctoral degree; the exempted period will be deducted from the total scholarship period (2 years for master’s or 3 years for doctoral). 6. Korean Language Course All scholars, unless exempted, must take one year of Korean language course in the designated language institution. o Exemption from the Kore an language course requirement: Korean proficiency at TOPIK Level 5 or 6 (with certification). * Scholars who have surpassed TOPIK Level 5 and want to start their degree course without the Korean language 4 course should obtain permission from NIIED in advance. * Scholars who have surpassed TOPIK Level 6 must start their degree course without the Korean language course should obtain permission from NIIED in advance. Scholars who are exempted from taking the Korean language course may take their degree course starting from September 1st, 2013. o Only the scholars who will have passed at least Level 3 of TOPIK (the Test of Proficiency in Korean) after one year of Korean language course are permitted to start their master’s or doctoral program. o Scholars who do not pass at least TOPIK Level 3 after one year of Korean language course should complete an additional six-month coursework in the Korean language. o Language Institution : the NIIED has designated seven language institu tions for the Korean language course. 7.Application Requirements o The applicant and his/her parents must have foreign citizenships. * Applicants who hold Korean citizenship are not permitted to apply for this program. o Applicants should be in good health, both mentally and physically, to stay in Korea for an extended period of time. * Applicants must submit the Personal Medical Assessment (included in the application form) when he/she apply for this program, and when it’s orientation, an Official Medical Examination will be done by NIIED. A serious illness (For example, HIV, Drug, etc) will be the main cause of disqualification from the scholarship. The handicapped who satisfy the above are also eligible for the program ? NOT Eligible: those who are pregnant o Applicants must be under 40 years of age as of Sep. 1st, 2013 (born after Sep. 1st, 1973). o Applicants must hold a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree as of September 1st, 2013. * (Important) Applicants who h ave ever enrolled in a university in Korea will be disqualified from applying to the KGSP program. Specifically, an applicant who has previously enrolled in an undergraduate program, a master’s program, a doctoral program or an exchange program in Korea cannot apply for this program.However, a KGSP scholar who has graduated or will graduate from a Korean university as of August 31st, 2013 can apply for this program again only via the embassy if only he/she holds at least TOPIK Level 4 and obtain another recommendation within the allotment from the Korean Embassy of his/her respective country of origin (re-application is limited to one instance). * Applicants who apply for the Master’s program must hold a Bachelor’s degree or a diploma that is equivalent to or higher than a Bachelor’s degree. Applicants who apply for the Doctoral program must hold a Master’s degree or a diploma that is equivalent to or higher than a Master’s degree. * Applica nts who are expecting to obtain the relevant required degree or diploma by August 31st, 2013 must submit a certificate of degree or diploma expectation, and submit the official certificate of degree or diploma to NIIED by August 31st, 2013. 5 o Applicants must maintain a grade point average (G. P. A. ) of at least 2. 64 on a 4. 0 scale, 2. 80 on a 4. 3 scale, 2. 91 on a 4. 5 scale, or grades/marks/score of 80% or higher from the previously attended institution.If an applicant does not satisfy the above GPA criteria, he/she will be disqualified from applying to this program. * If the transcript is not indicated in grades/marks/scores format, or is difficult to convert into percentages, attachment of official explanation from the attended institution is required. o Applicants who have Korean proficiency or English proficiency may be given preference. o Applicants who apply for natural science and technology program may be given preference. 8. Scholarship o Scholarship Period : same as the period of invitation. o Payment: -Airfare: Round-trip economy class ticket. Airfare for entry will not be provided to scholars who already presently live in Korea for academic study or employment. * The fees for domestic travel within a scholar’s home country and for travel insurance to and from Korea will not be provided. * Scholars from China and the Czech Republic will not be provided airfare by NIIED, but by their country of origin according to the mutual agreements. -Monthly Allowance : 900,000 won (KRW) per month. -Research Allowance : 210,000 won for scholars in the humanities and social sciences; 240,000 won for scholars in natural and mechanic sciences, per semester. Relocation (Settlement) Allowance : 200,000 won upon arrival -Language Training Fee : Full coverage -Tuitions : All admission fees are waived by the host institution (university). The tuition is paid by NIIED. -Dissertation Printing Costs : 500,000 ~ 800,000 won, depending on the actual costs. -Medi cal Insurance : 20,000 won per month will be provided (limited coverage). -Special funding for scholars who are proficient in the Korean language (TOPIK Level 5 or 6): 100,000 won per month (commencing from the degree program) o NOTES NIIED does not compensate fees for the domestic travel both in the grantee’s country and Korea. – Airfare for entry into Korea will not be provided to a scholar that has been staying in Korea for his or her study, work, etc. as of the date of announcement of successful candidates – NIIED does not compensate fees for insurance for traveling to and from Korea. – The medical fee is to be reimbursed through the insurance company to the scholar after s/he pays first. However, the expense for dental clinic or chronic disease will not be covered. Any scholar who gives up his/her study during the scholarship period will not receive airfare and allowance for repatriation. 6 – Any scholar that quits the program within 3 months after s/he entering Korea, should refund all scholarship fees (The airfare of arriving Korea, settlement allowance, monthly stipend, Korean language training expenses, etc. ). 9. Selection Procedure Details o The guideline, application form, and university information will be available at the website of GKS (www. studyinkorea. go. kr), Korean Embassies, and designated domestic universities. oFor applicants (including Korean adoptees) who apply for KGSP via Korean Embassies – (1st Selection) Korean Embassies make its own selection schedule and plan based on the criteria provided by NIIED, and accept the applications. They select 1. 5 times as many candidates as their quota from the pool of applicants and recommend them to NIIED. * Applicants from China and the Czech Republic should submit their applications to the Ministry of Education (or equivalent institution) in their respective country of origin, in accordance with the mutual agreements between Korea and those countries. Only Korean adoptees who have foreign citizenship can apply for this program via a Korean Embassy if their countries of origin are allotted the adoptee quota. They are selected through a separate procedure; general applicants cannot be accepted through this application category. – (2nd Selection) NIIED Selection Committee selects as many successful candidates as each embassy quota amongst the pool of candidates recommended by the Embassies. (3rd Selection) NIIED submits the documents of successful candidates to their 3 universities of indicated preference, and requests admission examination of the candidates into their master’s or doctoral programs. The universities have to notify the result of examination to the candidates and NIIED by the designated date. The candidates who gain admission from more than one university will have to make a final selection, and notify their respective local Korean Embassy and NIIED by the designated date.Only the candidates who gain adm ission within the 3rd Selection period can be accepted as official KGSP scholars. o For applicants who apply for KGSP via designated domestic universities – (1st Selection) Each designated university will draft its own selection schedule and plan based on the criteria provided by NIIED, and accepts the applications. Each designated university will select up to 20 candidates from all of the quota-assigned countries and recommend them to NIIED. They cannot recommend more than 3 candidates from a single country. (2nd Selection) NIIED Selection Committee selects as many successful candidates as each country’s quota from all of the candidates recommended by the universities. The candidates who are selected in the NIIED Selection Committee will be accepted to the university which recommended them, and will be finally accepted as official KGSP scholars upon a successful comprehensive medical examination. 7 10. Selection Criterion o All documents including transcript, self-int roduction, study plan, certificates of language proficiency (Korean and English), recommendations, published papers and awards, etc. will be evaluated. 11. Required Documentation o Place of submission *NIIED and Foreign embassies in Korea are not 1st Selection Institutions and do not accept applications. *NIIED accepts and judges only the candidates recommended by the 1st Selection Institutions. They are: – For applicants (including overseas Korean adoptees) applying via a Korean embassy : the Korean embassy in the country of origin. *Korean Educational Institutes affiliated with the local Korean embassies may accept applications, and select and recommend candidates in place of embassies in some countries. For applicants applying via a domestic university : One of the 60 designated universities o Deadline of Submission : The date set forth by the 1st Selection Institutions within March 2013 * Deadline for the recommendation of candidates to NIIED by the 1st Selection Institut ions is April 12th, 2013. * If the respective 1st Selection Institutions do not submit their candidates’ documents to NIIED on time, they will be excluded from the examination of NIIED Selection Committee, and their quotas will be substituted by the other 1st Institutions’ reserve candidates. o Required documents : One original document (placed in a separate envelope) nd 3 extra copies. * Documents not in English or Korean must be accompanied by a complete English or Korean translation authenticated by the issuing institution or notarized by a notary’s office. Check List for Application Documents Master’s Doctoral ! ! ! ! 3. Study Plan (Attachment #3) ! ! 4. Letter of Recommendation (Attachment #4) ! ! 5. Pledge (Attachment #5) ! ! 6. Personal Medical Assessment (Attachment #6) ! ! 7. Copy of diploma or certificate of graduation from undergraduate institution ! ! ! ! – ! 10. Official transcript of previously attended graduate institution(s)  œ ! 11.Certificate of TOPIK score (original copy), if available ! ! 12. Certificate of TOEFL or IELTS score (original copy) ! ! ! ! ! ! 1. Personal Data (Attachment #1) 2. Self-Introduction (Attachment #2) 8. Official transcript of previously attended undergraduate institution(s) 9. Copy of diploma or certificate of graduation from graduate institution 13. Published papers, if available (one or two) 14. Awards, if available (one or two) 8 15. Copy of passport (possible to submit after selection) 16. Certificate of citizenship of parents of applicant : birth certificate, passport, etc. (* applicable only to overseas Korean immigrants) ! ! ! 17. Adoption documents (*applicable only to overseas Korean adoptees) ! ! o Note * Selection for successful candidates will be done strictly by the NIIED Selection Committee. Therefore, appropriate documents should be submitted by the deadline. – Dual applications are not accepted. Applicants must apply for this program via only one institu tion. – Documents should be presented in their original form. – Submitted documents will not be returned to the applicants. – Incomplete or incorrect documents may lead to application rejection or failure in the Selection Committee, and scholarship revocation even after entry into Korea. In case of submitting photocopied documents, applicants must submit the original to the 1st Selection Institution and have the original one and the photocopied one collated. The confirmation of collation should be indicated in the photocopied documents. – Applicants who are expected to graduate from their respective home undergraduate/graduate institutions by August 31st, 2013, should submit the certificate (or letter) of expected graduation issued by said institutions when they apply; the official certificate of graduation should be received by NIIED by August 31st, 2013. Applicants must accurately complete the health checklist truthfully. All successful candidates must take a comprehensive medical exam when its’ orientation. In accordance with the requirements of the Korea Immigration Service and the KGSP Program, the candidates who are judged to be physically unfit for this program will not be accepted. – Applicants may submit the copies of published papers, if available. – Applicants may submit the copies of awards, if available. * Applicants must submit all the documents by the checklist order. (Checklist or the application documents should be on the front page, followed by the required documents, stapled and attached. ) * Transferring to a different university after confirming the host university is not permitted in any cases. In regards to changing majors, it would be permitted only under the mutual agreement of the departments concerned only within the same university, with the scholarship period unchanged. (2 years of Master’s, or 3 years of doctoral, in total). However, quitting a program and applying for a new one is not permitted. 12. Selection Schedule o Application Period : Feb. th ~ Mar. 31st (decided by the 1st Selection Institution) o The 1st Selection : The end of March (decided by the 1st Selection Institution) o Deadline for Recommendation to NIIED : April 12th (All documents must be received by NIIED. ) o The 2nd Selection : Mid to End-April (NIIED Selection Committee) 9 o Announcement for the Results of the 2nd Selection : April 30th (posted on GKS websites) o Admission Procedures for the Korean Embassies’ candidates: May 1st~May 31st o Announcement for Final Successful Candidates : June 17th (GKS websites-www. studyinkorea. go. r) o Visa Issue and Air ticket purchase : June 18th ~ July 31st o Entry into Korea : August 26th ~ August 28th o NIIED Orientation : August 29th ~ August 31st o Korean Language Course : September 2nd 13. For further information, please contact : o 1st Institutions : Refer to The Contact Information of Korean Embassies and Universities in the atta chment #8. o KGSP Team, National Institute for International Education (NIIED) – Address: #205 NIIED, 81 Ewhajang-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul, 110-810, Republic of Korea – www. studyinkorea. go. kr Korean version: -‘. /0(12$3 ! 4567 English version: Korean Government Scholarship Program !Announcement – Phone: +82-2-3668-1364, +82-2-3668-1389 – Fax: +82-2-743-4992 – Email: [email  protected] go. kr, [email  protected] kr 14. Other useful websites 8 KCUE (Korean Council for University Education) http://www. kcue. or. kr 8 Learning Korean http://www. kosnet. go. kr 8 Understanding of Korean culture http://korea. net 8 Overseas Korean embassies http://www. mofat. go. kr 8 Visa and Registration http://immigration. go. kr 15. Application Form : 10 11 REGISTRATION NUMBER 5 +9 * :;< = >? @A (Check List for Application Documents) *Do not write in this area. B C % D (Institute of Application) :E 19 (Confirmer) : 1 (Signature) 1) Name of Applicant: (given /first name) 2) Country 3) Desired Degree Program : (family/last name) : † Master’s † Doctoral (*Please tick (â€Å") in the appropriate box. ) Application Documents Check List Yes 1. Personal Data (Attachment #1) 2. Self Introduction (Attachment #2) 3. Study Plan (Attachment #3) 4. Letter of Recommendation Submission(Y/N) (Attachment #4) 5. Pledge (Attachment #5) 6. PERSONAL MEDICAL ASSESSMENT (Attachment #6) 7. Copy of diploma or certificate of graduation from undergraduate institution 8. Transcripts & student records from undergraduate institution 9.Copy of diploma or certificate of graduation from graduate institution 10. Transcripts & student records from graduate institution 11. Certificate of Korean Language Proficiency (original copy of TOPIK) 12. Certificate of TOEFL or IELTS Score (original copy) 13. Published papers, if available 14. Awards, if available 15. Copy of passport 16. Certificate of Citizenship of the Applicant and His/Her Parents : birth ce rtificate, passport, etc. (*only for overseas Korean immigrants) 17. Adoption documents (*only for overseas Korean adoptees) 12 No Attachment #1 ! † # $ (% & ‘ ( ) ) * + , – . / Only for Applicants (including Korean adoptees) who apply for this program via an Embassy of Korea) Korean Government Scholarship Program(KGSP) Application Form for Graduate Study *Please tick (# ) a box that applies to you. 1. F G % D (Institute of Recommendation) † H04D (Embassy) 2. F G I J (Type of Recommendation) † KLFG(General) † MN1(Korean Adoptee) 3. 5 + # – (Degree Course of Application) † O6#- (Master’s) † P6#- (Doctoral) 4. Q R S T (Desired Field of Study) † 1U6VST (Humanities and Social Sciences) † 9W4$ST (Natural Sciences and Technology) † X=YST (Arts and Physical Education) 5.Z ( [ W C * 9 (TOPIK 5] ^ _ 9 ) ` $ Q R a % (Preferential Entrance Date – Only for TOPIK Level 5 holders, *TOPIK Level 6 holders must start their studying from Sep 1, 2013) † Sep 1, 2013 † Mar 1, 2014 1 b67 (Personal Data) Please read the form carefully. All applicants must complete all sections only by typing. cd ef(Given name) : c(Family name) : † Male † Single (Full Name) † Female † Married * Name should be spelled the same as in the passport and in English. 3ghK g(yyyy) h(mm) K(dd) ie(Age: ) (Date of Birth) (j (Country) kl (Passport) (b (Citizenship) (Number) (Date of Issue) Wmn (Emergency Address) Address: Tel. op$q (Information concerning applicant’s most recent education) (Date of expiry) ) oprs(X-)$! (Name of previously attended Univ. ) $w (Academic Degree recently awarded) op$wyU*z (Title of graduation dissertation, if available) E-mail: tu(j/va (Country/City) † Bachelor 13 † Master x4 (Academic Major) (Photo 3*4) {[cb TOEFL (English Proficiency) Score : [$Yq (Language Proficiency) Published papers, if available(one or two) IELTS Korean Language Profi ciency (only TOPIK) Level: â€Å"1 â€Å"2 â€Å"3 â€Å"4 â€Å"5 â€Å"6 Score: Awards, if available (one or two) 5+|/}$ (Applying University) }$d (Name of Univ. ) $'d (Faculty) $#d (Department) 4 (Academic Major) University 1 University 2 University 3 $q (Academic Career) %~ (Period) $! d (Name of Univ. ) tu(j (Country) x4A (Academic Major) ^_$w (Diploma or Degree) ~ A 1 cb School (Trans Year cripts) Term 1 *eC $%C Bachel / %H -or (only Master / terms attend ed) as aa Waaq (Occupation or Research Career) st year 2 nd rd year th 3 year th 4 year 5 year EN EO (GPA) 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / UaOC (converted score) /100 / %~ (Period) %Dd (Institution or company) ac (Position) euse (Operation or Duty) A A 2$eCe ( Sponsorship) 5+ei(Amount) (US$/year) +%Dd (Sponsor) Ce%~ (Period) ( Applicant's Name : ) A ( g(yyyy) / / ) A h(mm) K(dd) (signature) * GPA(Grade Point Average) must be converted on a maximum scale of 100 points (c onverted points) * See Attachment . #7 * Fill out both the records of Bachelor’s & Master’s in the case of those applying for Doctoral programs 14 Attachment #1 012345 *+ ,-. / (Only for Applicants who apply for this program via a Designated University) Korean Government Scholarship Program(KGSP) Application Form for Graduate Study *Please tick (# ) a box that applies to you. 2. F G % D (Institute of Recommendation) † (i}$ (Korean University) . F G I J (Type of Recommendation) † KLFG(General) 3. 5 + # – (Degree Course of Application) † O6#- (Master’s) † P6#- (Doctoral) 4. Q R S T (Desired Field of Study) † 1U6VST (Humanities and Social Sciences) † 9W4$ST (Natural Sciences and Technology) † X=YST (Arts and Physical Education) 5. Z ( [ W C * 9 (TOPIK 5] ^ _ 9 ) ` $ Q R a % (Preferential Entrance Date – Only for TOPIK Level 5 holders, *TOPIK Level 6 holders must start their studying from Sep 1, 2013) † Sep 1, 2013 † Mar 1, 2014 1 b67 (Personal Data) Please read the form carefully. All applicants must complete all sections only by typing. cd f(Given name) : c(Family name) : † Male † Single (Full Name) † Female † Married * Name should be spelled the same as in the passport and in English. 3ghK g(yyyy) h(mm) K(dd) ie(Age: ) (Date of Birth) (j (Country) kl (Passport) (b (Citizenship) (Number) (Date of Issue) Wmn (Emergency Address) Address: Tel. ( op$q (Information concerning applicant’s most recent education) (Date of expiry) ) oprs(X-)$! (Name of previously attended Univ. ) $w (Academic Degree recently awarded) op$wyU*z (Title of graduation dissertation, if available) E-mail: tu(j/va (Country/City) † Bachelor 15 † Master x4 (Academic Major) Photo 3*4) {[cb TOEFL (English Proficiency) Score : [$Yq (Language Proficiency) Published papers, if available(one or two) IELTS Korean Language Proficiency (only TOPIK) Level: â€Å"1 â€Å"2 â €Å"3 â€Å"4 â€Å"5 â€Å"6 Score: Awards, if available (one or two) 5+|/}$ (Applying University) $q (Academic Career) }$d (Name of Univ. ) %~ (Period) $'d (Faculty) $#d (Department) $! d (Name of Univ. ) tu(j (Country) x4 (Academic Major) x4A (Academic Major) ^_$w (Diploma or Degree) ~ A 1 cb School (Trans Year cripts) Term 1 *eC $%C Bachel / %H -or (only Master / terms attend ed) as aa Waaq (Occupation or Research Career) st year 2 nd d year th 3 year th 4 year 5 year EN EO (GPA) 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / UaOC (converted score) /100 / %~ (Period) %Dd (Institution or company) ac (Position) euse (Operation or Duty) A A 2$eCe ( Sponsorship) 5+ei(Amount) (US$/year) 5+%Dd (Sponsor) Ce%~ (Period) ( Applicant's Name : ) A ( g(yyyy) / / ) A h(mm) K(dd) (signature) * GPA(Grade Point Average) must be converted on a maximum scale of 100 points (converted points) * See Attachment . #7 * Fill out both the records of Bachelorâ€℠¢s & Master’s in the case of those applying for Doctoral programs 16Attachment #2 9 %ii (Self Introduction) * Please type or print clearly within 1 page using black ink. (in Korean or in English) (*10 points) o Your course of life, your view of life, study background, your hopes & wishes, etc o Your education and work experience, etc. , in relation to the KGSP program o Your motivations for applying for this program o Reason for study in Korea 17 Attachment #3 $ sSn (Study Plan) * Please type or print clearly within 1 page using black ink. (*10 points) Goal of study & Study Plan Future Plan after Study o Goal of study, title or subject of research, and detailed study plan Future plan in Korea or another country after study in Korea 18 Attachment #4 Letter of Recommendation To the applicant: Please fill in your name and the other required information below. In turn, deliver or email this form to the person who will write this letter. NOTE: Request your recommender to seal his or her letter of recommendation in an official envelope and sign across the back flap upon completion. Recommendation letters that are not sealed and signed will not be accepted. Confidential Name of Applicant: (given name) (family name) Nationality: Desired Degree Program: † Master’s † DoctoralDesired Major: To the recommender: The person named above has applied for the ‘Korean Government Scholarship Program’. We ask for your assistance, and would appreciate your frank and candid appraisal of the applicant. * Please type or print clearly using black ink. 1. How long have you known the applicant and in what relationship? Please assess the applicant's qualities in the evaluation table given below. Rate the applicant compared to other classmates who are/were in the same school year with him/her. Truly Excellent Very Good Good Below Average Exceptional Classification N/A Top 2% Top 10% Top 25% Middle 50%Lower 25% Academic Achievement Future Academic Pote ntial Integrity Responsibility/Independence Creativity/Originality Communication Skills Interpersonal skills Leadership 2. What do you consider to be the applicant’s strengths? 19 3. What do you consider to be the applicant’s weaknesses? 4. How well do you think the applicant has thought out plans for graduate study? 5. Please comment on the applicant’s performance record, potential, or personal qualities which you believe would be helpful in considering the applicant’s application for the proposed degree program. Recommender’s Name Date Recommender’s SignaturePosition or Title: University (Institution): Address: (zip-code: Tel: – ) Fax: Please return this form sealed in an official envelope and signed across the back to the applicant. We greatly appreciate your timeliness regarding this letter for your recommendee. 20 Attachment #5 â€Å"Korean Government Scholarship Program for Graduate Study† Pledge (;o; ) As an applicant fo r the 2013 â€Å"Korean Government Scholarship Program (KGSP) for Graduate Study†, I pledge to abide by the following rules: (1) To refrain from violation of university regulations and to fulfill my obligations as a student to the best of my ability. 2) To behave in a manner appropriate to Korean culture and society, and not to participate in any form of political activity (such as organizing a political party, joining a political party, attending political meetings, publishing political articles and declarations, organizing or participating in demonstrations of a political nature, and so on). (3) To accept responsibility for paying any debts incurred in Korea (4) To agree with NIIED's decision concerning the graduate program and the Korean language course. (5) To abide by all terms and regulations set by NIIED. 6) To permit NIIED to use my personal information for the KGSP. If I am proved to have violated any of the above or to have made a false statement in my application d ocuments, I shall accept any resolution or penalty made by NIIED, even when it may/might result in suspension, revocation or withdrawal of my scholarship. I was informed and fully understand that KGSP students are not permitted to transfer schools for the entire duration of scholarship after confirming their host institution. (yyyy). (mm). Applicant’s Name : (dd). (signature) 21 Attachment #6 PERSONAL MEDICAL ASSESSMENTApplicants are not required to undergo an authorized medical exam before passing the 2nd Selection with NIIED; however, all successful candidates must take a comprehensive medical exam when its’ orientation (including an HIV and TBPE drug test**, etc) in accordance with the requirements of the Korea Immigration Service and the KGSP. If the results show that the applicant is unfit to study and live overseas more than 3 years, he/she may be disqualified. **The TBPE (tetrabromophenolphthalein ethyl ester) drug tests are for evaluating past usage of stimulan t drugs. Gender: HEIGHT cm WEIGHT kg When and for what reason did you last consult a hysician? (Please explain in the adjacent space. ) QUESTION YES NO o Have you ever had an infectious disease that posed a risk to public health (such as, but not limited to, tuberculosis, HIV and other STDs)? o 1. 2. 3. 4. allergies? high blood pressure? diabetes? any type of Hepatitis? o Have you ever suffered from or been treated for depression, anxiety, or any other mental or mood disorder? (If you have received treatment, please explain and attach an official medical report. ) o Have you ever been addicted to alcohol? u Have you ever abused any narcotic, stimulant, hallucinogen or other substance (whether legal or rohibited)? u If necessary, are you prepared to undergo physical tests to verify the answers given in response to questions u and u above? u Have you been hospitalized in the last two (2) years? u Have you had any serious injury, ailment or sickness in the last five (5) years? †  Do you have any visual or hearing impairments?  ° Do you have any physical disabilities? ? Do you have any cognitive/mental disabilities? ? Are you taking any prescribed medication?  § Are you on a special diet? †¢ On average, how many standard servings of alcohol do you consume each week? 22 IF YES, PLEASE EXPLAIN Attachment #7 GPA Conversion Table

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Building Sentences With Participial Phrases

Building Sentences With Participial Phrases This exercise will give you a chance to apply the principles of building sentences with participial phrases. Instructions Combine the sentences in each set below into a single clear sentence with at least one participial phrase. Heres an example: I stood on the roof of my apartment building at dawn.I watched the sun rise through gray clouds. Sample combination: Standing on the roof of my apartment building at dawn, I watched the sun rise through gray clouds. If you run into problems while working on this exercise, review the following pages: Introduction to Sentence CombiningIdentifying VerbalsExercise in Adding and Arranging Participial Phrases When youre done, compare your sentences with the sample combinations on page two. Exercise: Building Sentences with Participial Phrases The dishwasher was invented in 1889.The dishwasher was invented by an Indiana housewife.The first dishwasher was driven by a steam engine.I took small sips from a can of Coke.I was sitting on the ground in a shady corner.I was sitting with my back against the wall.I was sitting on the window ledge.The ledge overlooked the narrow street.I watched the children.The children were frolicking in the first snow of the season.The first edition of Infant Care was published by the U.S. Government.The first edition of Infant Care was published in 1914.The first edition of Infant Care recommended the use of peat moss for disposable diapers.The house sat stately upon a hill.The house was gray.The house was weather-worn.The house was surrounded by barren tobacco fields.I washed the windows in a fever of fear.I whipped the squeegee swiftly up and down the glass.I feared that some member of the gang might see me.Goldsmith smiled.He bunched his cheeks like twin rolls of toilet paper.His cheeks were f at.The toilet paper was smooth.The toilet paper was pink. The roaches scurried in and out of the breadbox.The roaches sang chanteys.The roaches sang as they worked.The roaches paused only to thumb their noses.They thumbed their noses jeeringly.They thumbed their noses in my direction.The medieval peasant was distracted by war.The medieval peasant was weakened by malnutrition.The medieval peasant was exhausted by his struggle to earn a living.The medieval peasant was an easy prey for the dreadful Black Death.He eats slowly.He eats steadily.He sucks the sardine oil from his fingers.The sardine oil is rich.He sucks the oil with slow and complete relish. Exercise Answers Here are sample combinations for the 10 sets of sentence-building exercises on page one. Keep in mind that in most cases more than one effective combination is possible. Invented by an Indiana housewife in 1889, the first dishwasher was driven by a steam engine.Sitting on the ground in a shady corner with my back against the wall, I took small sips from a can of Coke.Sitting on the window ledge overlooking the narrow street, I watched the children frolicking in the first snow of the season.Published by the U.S. Government in 1914, the first edition of  Infant Care  recommended the use of peat moss for disposable diapers.The gray, weather-worn house sat stately upon a hill surrounded by barren tobacco fields.Fearing that some member of the gang might see me, I washed the windows in a fever of fear, whipping the squeegee swiftly up and down the glass.Goldsmith smiled, bunching his fat cheeks like twin rolls of smooth pink toilet paper.(Nathanael West,  Miss Lonelyhearts)The roaches scurried in and out of the breadbox, singing chanteys as they worked and pausing only to thumb their noses jeeringly in my direction.(S. J. Perelman,  The Rising Gor ge)The medieval peasant- distracted by war, weakened by malnutrition, exhausted by his struggle to earn a living- was an easy prey for the dreaded Black Death. He eats slowly, steadily, sucking the rich sardine oil from his fingers with slow and complete relish.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Bassanios reactions Essay Example

Bassanios reactions Essay Example Bassanios reactions Essay Bassanios reactions Essay Both in the play and the film, Shylock is presented as a very religious man through the strong language used. [He hates Antonio] for he is a Christian; The words a Christian suggest that Shylock believes Christians are something else which is completely foreign to his own tribe. Also, when Bassanio asks Shylock to dine with him, Shylock has such a strong reaction and emphasizes on the word you in the form of anaphora to state out the big difference between them. As Shylock is saying this speech in the film, he places his left hand on the chest with a steady expression in the eyes as if he is showing his absolute loyalty to God.When Antonio first appears in the play, Shylock speaks in the form of soliloquy to tell the audience his real thought. If [he] can catch [Antonio] upon the hip, [he] will feed fat the ancient grudge [he] [bears] him. The audience is shocked by how cruel and strong the revenge is, especially the word fat gives us a disgusting image that we would almost feel sick of how psychotic Shylock is.Surprisingly, this terrifying soliloquy has been left out in the film. Instead, the hatred is revealed to the viewers through the (close-camera / camera-shot?) on the wide-opened staring eyes of Shylock and his deep, heavy tone when he answers Bassanio, I am debating of my present store,. Of course, the effect is far less powerful than the words.Then Shylock begins to talk about the way he has been mistreated, like a stranger cur, as well as in the film where he has been expressed to be even more pitiful. When they walk into Shylocks office from the noisy crowded street, the background of the office immediately draws the audiences attention- it is dark and messy with only a few barbed windows as if the room is a prison. Then Shylock uses a heavy and pale tone to talk about his mistreatment like a prisoner begging for mercy! The language, atmosphere and the tone have made Shylock seem a lot weaker than both the audience and viewers have possibly expected, and due to the human nature, men always tend to protect the weak people so the audience would probably be quite sympathetic with Shylock despite his previous negative image.The audience probably would have been convinced that Shylock is actually the naà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ve. Why look how you storm! I would be friends with you, and have your love what an kind offer that sounds like, especially when he outstretches his arms as if he would give Antonio all he has!However, his image soon turns to malevolent after he has demanded an equal bound of Antonios fair flesh as a forfeit. The audience immediately realises that Shylock has not forgotten about the revenge at all, and the words fair flesh actually mean good flesh because Antonio is a good Christian. We are absolutely unsettled and horrified by the evilness of the hypocritical Jew.Yet in the film, Shylock just casually stands up and grabs the contract as he announces the bound with a short pause before he says an equal pound of your fair f lesh. All this seems to convince the viewers that Shylock says it as a joke which has just gone up his mind in an attempt to make Shylock look much more reasonable.On the other hand, Antonio is expressed to be a lot weaker in his religious compared to Shylock as he breaks the custom of neither lending nor borrowing for Bassanio. Yet his loving and amiable characteristic is so much stronger and is shown fully which totally fulfils the audiences expectation of a protagonist.Nevertheless, when Antonio admits that he will spit and kick again, the audience is probably disappointed of knowing his negative side. How could a hero be so mean-spirited and prejudiced against someone different? Yet Antonio does show his honesty on a fair side. In the film, Antonio is annoyed with Shylocks words and is eager to speak out his thought, showing his noble and truthful characteristic compared to the two-faced Jew.But the atmosphere is soon filled with anxiety as Antonio says, Exact the penalty. After having heard the evil soliloquy, the word penalty is like putting an image for the end! Although Antonio is so confident, the audience can easily sense the danger and think Antonio is arrogant and stupid!When shylock announces the bound in the film, however, there is a (camera-shot / close camera?) on Antonio, showing the quick change of expression from arrogant to anxious, especially when he bites his thumb with a frozen and uneasy smile, the viewers are certain that Antonio is deeply troubled. Again, this also shows the great paternal love between Antonio and bassanio!Bassanio is vital for the audience to deeply understand the relationship between Shylock and Antonio.When Shylock says, Antonio is a good man-, Bassanios reaction shows that good means morally good in the Christian society where as in the Jewish culture, good means being able to pay back!, stating their huge difference both is religious and thoughts, as well as shaping the avaricious image of Jews.In the film, Anton io and Shylock do not speak to each other straight away. Instead, Bassanio is used as a connection between them, showing their complicated relationship- disrespect, hatred and suspicious.Also, Bassanio connects the audience to the stage by bringing in their thoughts and feelings. This were kindness. As well as the intensed expression with the deep tone shown closely in the film when Antonio takes the bound. This is all representing the audience. On the other hand, he also lets Antonio fully express his unconditional love.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

An explanation of various marketing terms

An explanation of various marketing terms is the use of consumer-direct channels to reach and deliver goods and services to customers without using marketing middlemen.†Direct Marketing† is the use of consumer-direct channels to reach and deliver goods and services to customers without using marketing middlemen. Direct marketing implies marketing to the consumers directly without secondary media such as TV commercials. Direct Marketing includes the distribution of fliers, displaying signs such as â€Å"weekly specials† inside the store. It is used to target customers who cannot resist a good deal or bargain. Some Direct marketers use their customer database to contact them for special offers. They tailor their marketing offers and communications to the needs of individual buyers. Direct Marketing is generally used by small to medium size companies that do not have the budget for expensive commercial. There are many forms of direct marketing. The major types are as follows: Direct mail – the adverti ser contact prospective customers by sending some form of advertisement through the mail. Music and book clubs, magazine clearing house, and credit card companies make use of direct mail. Catalogue marketing – companies mail catalogues to consumers and to businesses or make them available at retail stores, and consumers make their purchase from the catalogues. For example, Sears and Canadian Tire’s catalogue shopping. Catalogue retailers appear well suited to operating on the internet as they has the systems and distribution experience required for such an undertaking. Telemarketing – using the telephone and call centers to sell directly to prospects and existing consumers. Companies use call centers for Inbound (receiving calls from customers) and outbound (initiating calls to prospects and customers) telemarketing. Direct marketing has been a major growth area in retailing. Its advantages related particularly to its ability to direct the marketing effort to th ose consumers who are most likely to respond positively. It also offers products and services in a way that is most convenient for the consumer. 2. _____ consist(s) of a collection of incentive tools, mostly short term, designed to stimulate quicker or greater purchase of particular products or services by consumers or the trade. â€Å"Sales promotions† consist of a collection of incentive tools, mostly short term, designed to stimulate quicker or greater purchase of particular products or services by consumers or the trade. Sales promotion as tools and techniques used to stimulate demand, encourage purchase or sales of a product or services, reward royal customers and attract switchers from competitors,. Advertising provides information on a product or promote a brand. Sale promotion offers reasons to buy now. Here are a few examples of sales promotions: Coupons delivered in the newspaper offering discount on your favourite coffee. An e-mail from offers free shippi ng on your next purchase over $35. Sales promotion uses different mix of promotional tools designed to stimulate customers to buy a product. There are two categories of sales promotion tools: The consumer promotions tools – aimed at consumers directly such as; price discount or same price for the twice the amount of the product, discount coupons, cash refund from the manufacturer, patronage rewards such as doubling the amount of air miles, sweepstakes such as possible chance to win a trip to Disneyland and free gift, getting something from the purchase.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Chose an interesting Topic Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Chose an interesting Topic - Assignment Example Today, people opt to communicate via short instant messages rather than to expound on their thoughts and provide substance. While the audience for such ‘text messages’ might remain the same, there is a lack of purpose in our writing today. We are supposed to write in an effort communicate our innermost thoughts and ideas. We can write to depict actions in history or to express a hope for the future. Many people worry that this art form will become extinct if we fail to realize the sheer importance of written language. Writing is a conversation with the world. The writer gets to choose the audience, they get to provide their own focus on a piece, and the purpose can become clear once the words are put to paper. Writing reaches a wide audience. Today, the Internet has opened up an entirely new market for writers that they never before dreamed possible. In other words, the audience is now global. All a writer must do now is to put their thoughts and ideas down on paper, provide a clear purpose and focus, and then share those ideas with a global marketplace. That is the function of writing, even in this age of increasing technology and

Thomas Jefferon - Time as President ONLY Research Paper

Thomas Jefferon - Time as President ONLY - Research Paper Example As public official, historian, philosopher, and plantation owner, he served his country for over five decades.† (Brief Biography of Thomas Jefferson. Thomas Jefferson's Monticello 1) The election of President Thomas Jefferson was regarded as the coming of revolution in the United States. Thomas Jefferson initiated many changes and developments in the state of United States. One of the main changes and developments with regard to annexation of different territories was the Louisiana Pact from France in 1803. In domestic affairs Jefferson tried to weaken Federalist influences, especially in the judiciary, and succeeded in limiting the size of government by reducing taxes and the national debt. Other actions taken by Thomas Jefferson were to weaken the federalist influence in the state administration and the machinery. He did this to enable greater participation of people in the State institutions such as the Judiciary, the executive and the legislature. He also pioneered in the r eduction of the size of the total number of the people in the Government by reducing the nation al debt of the country as well as scaling down the total taxation in the great country of United States. This heavily contributed to the growth of United States in the early 1800s. (Mannix, Richard 121) Jefferson’s Democratic Views: Thomas Jefferson was by nature a liberal politician who devoted the idea of freedom more than anyone else during his days in the office. Following is a quote from the great man himself on his idea of democracy: â€Å"A wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government, and this is necessary to close the circle of our felicities.† (America's Homepage and the Virtual Tour of Washington, D.C 1) The concept of Jeffersonian Democracy was quite prominent at the time of the term of office of Thomas Jefferson in the White House. He believed that the republican ideals of democracy best suited the United States. He envisaged a state where each and every individual would take part in the public duty and would strive to reduce or diminish corruption at every level in the country. The Domestic Policy of Jefferson: Thomas Jefferson was a liberal at heart. His domestic policies included the reduction of national debt by keenly focusing on federalism in the state. In the office of President, Jefferson appointed his own cabinet people and other high level office bearers as he was given the freedom to choose the people he wanted in the Government. Thomas Jefferson was a big supporter of the Lewis and Clark expedition and was instrumental in making it happen since he gave his total commitment for that project. Jefferson released the prisoners under the Sedition Act, which was repealed at the beginning of his Preside ncy. He took the initiative to remove the Act since according to his vision it was obstructive in nature and did not confine to the principles of free speech in the country. The Judiciary: Thomas Jefferson was quite skeptical of the judges appointed by his predecessors in the judiciary. He said that the

Company Analysis for Yahoo Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Company Analysis for Yahoo - Research Paper Example Basically, Yahoo was only accessible by the two engineering students but because they had created a web interface that had allowed other people to access to their guide and because of apparent knowledge of Yahoo and its existence in lieu of the word of mouth and electronic mail, more people began using their web site and because of Yahoo's strong as well as positive impact to the people and the society amicably, Yahoo has a complex environment. Due to this complexity, the department is considering all the factors that affect its task environments. Some factors such as political-legal and economic climates are encouraging to the growth of the department. However, the sociocultural climate is posing a challenge. Nevertheless, Yahoo is generally having a stable environment. The political-legal climate of corporations globally has been generally encouraging. This is especially for yahoo in which it reciprocates the government's trust on the company by sharing 30 percent of its shares to the government. Likewise, the economic climate globally has seen the growth of systems of wealth production, distribution and consumption. However, inflations and recessions affect the operation of Yahoo. These are the factors over which we have little control. The sociocultural climate represents the attitudes, values, norms, beliefs, behaviours and associated demographic characteristics of the population within which an organisation operates (Daft 1997, p. 78). In operating and managing Yahoo applications that support users, we have to consider our customers' values and beliefs. To do this we conduct studies to identify the concerns of our customers. The technological climate includes scientific and technological advancements in the production of goods and services (Dahlgren and Whitehead, 1991). Technology for Yahoo is of particular importance because it has been and continues to be the main source of increases in productivity, which means it can either provide a competitive advantage to organisations that can use it effectively, or pose a threat to those that lack it. To remain competitive therefore, it is important that we need to understand current technology developments affecting their ability to offer desirable products and services. The pace of change in that industry, of course, is accelerating, and its scope and impact are widening. Spectators of the technology can trace that change from the earliest antecedents of Yahoo, to the most recent developments. Spectators can also scan the entire Yahoo continuum from the 19th century to the 21st or pinpoint, year by year or decade by decade, but the focus of this paper will only be from 1998 to 2003. These are the years and key events that have led to the Yahoo of today and it has shown through the use of the company's corporate strategy. It is said that people are living through an era in which organizations

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Law of international commercial arbitration Essay - 1

Law of international commercial arbitration - Essay Example Thus, if an aggrieved party has a binding international award in the case of any business dispute from another nation which is a party to the NYC and is being acknowledged as a responding nation by UK, the arbitral award would be implemented in UK. (Hirchhheim et al 154). In UK, a winning party might request to have the New York Convention award implemented in the same style as a judgment through the mechanism of the Arbitration Act, 1996. This mechanism is intended to give effect for the convention obligation of the UK to acknowledge and implement New York Convention awards subject to some restricted exclusions. It is to be noted that pure declaratory awards will equally applicable to the implementation of a New York Convention award under s.101 (2) of the Arbitration Act 1996. Further, enforcement can be disputed on the same footing as recognition. If a party wants to implement and enforce an international arbitration award in UK, he has to make necessary application to the concerned court with copy of the award and the arbitration agreement in writing within the connotation of ss.100 and 5 of the Arbitration Act, 1996. However, the party need not have to substantiate the existence or validity of an agreement. Further, the reasons for the declining the recognition and implementation should be interpreted narrowly. â€Å"The New York convention’s Article V† obliges the courts of signatory nations to implement an overseas award without evaluating the merits of the arbitrator’s verdict. For instance, English Court has refused to interfere in international arbitration awards as demonstrated in the decision made in â€Å"Lesotho Highlands Development Authority v. Impreglio SpA and others â€Å"by the House of Lords. Lesotho government engaged contractors to build a dam in Lesotho. The contract specifically stated that currency for the contract purpose will be the maloti, the local currency of Lesotho

Is green capitalism resistance to change Use a case study to explain Essay

Is green capitalism resistance to change Use a case study to explain your answer - Essay Example The advocates propose moderation of damages while the critics propose an overhaul of the principle of free market economies. From the thread of logic, it is conclusive that green capitalism is a resistance to curtailing the presupposed form of ‘liberty’ there is in an unregulated market. Natural capitalism is an action initiated by capitalists and capitalistic environmentalists alike as a grandiose experiment to stash the truest form of capitalism (as it has evolved now) in a sanctuary where it can enjoy from the naivete of many; and to avoid dialogue with or outwit discreet environmentalists and Marxist’s ideologists who reside on the principle that there can never be ecological preservation with capitalism in existence. Yet so far, there is a relative success to it. II. The Triple Crunch Communities around the world admit to experiencing three types of crises with which third world economies run up against the most: energy, financial, and environmental crises. A ll are similar in effects in terms of equality, resource distribution, and human development. Although the three crises are interrelated, of the three confronting the world in the 21st century, climate change is perhaps the most severe and uncontrollable but it remains the second agendum next to the financial crisis. It is said that one of the major causes to this phenomenon is people’s over dependency on oil and other non-renewable gases for everyday domestic and commercial consumption. As predicted, this will lead to an energy crisis. Energy resources are unquestionably indispensable in the course of modern-day living especially to a country undergoing industrialization. There would not be any wonder if oil extracts will be lesser and lesser everyday therefore (Winter, 2006, p. 14). This is based on simple logic that natural resources are ‘naturally’ scarce but oil consumers and miners choose to think that oil is unlimited because energy experts and political a uthorities implant such idea to prosumers and consumers. In 1993, a news organization reported that the 700 million barrels of oil Shell Oil Company mined was only good for 42 days (16.6 million bbl/day) for the U.S. economy at that time (Bartlett, 1998, p. 3). The US economy has always been one of the world’s largest oil consumers as it is the world’s second biggest economy (only behind the European Union). Although it is a mixed market, one may not argue that it is highly capitalistic more than it is socialised. More than that, the country is probably over developed as it is now. The clincher however is that major pollutants don’t directly suffer the effects of climate change. Third world nations do which is why these the same catalysts to ecological degradation are the same agents (e.g. G7 countries) that spearhead initiatives which appear ‘globally than locally beneficial’ (e.g. Endorsement of the Tobin Tax). The worst case scenario is that they are likely solving the wrong problem. For instance in the UK, oil dependency is misrepresented (however intentional or not) by energy experts and political authorities wherein the topic for domestic consumption eats more than half the time during public discussions when in fact, domestic consumption only accounts for 30% of the aggregate consumption (Mobbs, 2005, p. 1). As made implicit, the global financial crisis of late is another serious trouble that has garnered more than enough attention (e.g. initiatives for

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Company Analysis for Yahoo Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Company Analysis for Yahoo - Research Paper Example Basically, Yahoo was only accessible by the two engineering students but because they had created a web interface that had allowed other people to access to their guide and because of apparent knowledge of Yahoo and its existence in lieu of the word of mouth and electronic mail, more people began using their web site and because of Yahoo's strong as well as positive impact to the people and the society amicably, Yahoo has a complex environment. Due to this complexity, the department is considering all the factors that affect its task environments. Some factors such as political-legal and economic climates are encouraging to the growth of the department. However, the sociocultural climate is posing a challenge. Nevertheless, Yahoo is generally having a stable environment. The political-legal climate of corporations globally has been generally encouraging. This is especially for yahoo in which it reciprocates the government's trust on the company by sharing 30 percent of its shares to the government. Likewise, the economic climate globally has seen the growth of systems of wealth production, distribution and consumption. However, inflations and recessions affect the operation of Yahoo. These are the factors over which we have little control. The sociocultural climate represents the attitudes, values, norms, beliefs, behaviours and associated demographic characteristics of the population within which an organisation operates (Daft 1997, p. 78). In operating and managing Yahoo applications that support users, we have to consider our customers' values and beliefs. To do this we conduct studies to identify the concerns of our customers. The technological climate includes scientific and technological advancements in the production of goods and services (Dahlgren and Whitehead, 1991). Technology for Yahoo is of particular importance because it has been and continues to be the main source of increases in productivity, which means it can either provide a competitive advantage to organisations that can use it effectively, or pose a threat to those that lack it. To remain competitive therefore, it is important that we need to understand current technology developments affecting their ability to offer desirable products and services. The pace of change in that industry, of course, is accelerating, and its scope and impact are widening. Spectators of the technology can trace that change from the earliest antecedents of Yahoo, to the most recent developments. Spectators can also scan the entire Yahoo continuum from the 19th century to the 21st or pinpoint, year by year or decade by decade, but the focus of this paper will only be from 1998 to 2003. These are the years and key events that have led to the Yahoo of today and it has shown through the use of the company's corporate strategy. It is said that people are living through an era in which organizations

Is green capitalism resistance to change Use a case study to explain Essay

Is green capitalism resistance to change Use a case study to explain your answer - Essay Example The advocates propose moderation of damages while the critics propose an overhaul of the principle of free market economies. From the thread of logic, it is conclusive that green capitalism is a resistance to curtailing the presupposed form of ‘liberty’ there is in an unregulated market. Natural capitalism is an action initiated by capitalists and capitalistic environmentalists alike as a grandiose experiment to stash the truest form of capitalism (as it has evolved now) in a sanctuary where it can enjoy from the naivete of many; and to avoid dialogue with or outwit discreet environmentalists and Marxist’s ideologists who reside on the principle that there can never be ecological preservation with capitalism in existence. Yet so far, there is a relative success to it. II. The Triple Crunch Communities around the world admit to experiencing three types of crises with which third world economies run up against the most: energy, financial, and environmental crises. A ll are similar in effects in terms of equality, resource distribution, and human development. Although the three crises are interrelated, of the three confronting the world in the 21st century, climate change is perhaps the most severe and uncontrollable but it remains the second agendum next to the financial crisis. It is said that one of the major causes to this phenomenon is people’s over dependency on oil and other non-renewable gases for everyday domestic and commercial consumption. As predicted, this will lead to an energy crisis. Energy resources are unquestionably indispensable in the course of modern-day living especially to a country undergoing industrialization. There would not be any wonder if oil extracts will be lesser and lesser everyday therefore (Winter, 2006, p. 14). This is based on simple logic that natural resources are ‘naturally’ scarce but oil consumers and miners choose to think that oil is unlimited because energy experts and political a uthorities implant such idea to prosumers and consumers. In 1993, a news organization reported that the 700 million barrels of oil Shell Oil Company mined was only good for 42 days (16.6 million bbl/day) for the U.S. economy at that time (Bartlett, 1998, p. 3). The US economy has always been one of the world’s largest oil consumers as it is the world’s second biggest economy (only behind the European Union). Although it is a mixed market, one may not argue that it is highly capitalistic more than it is socialised. More than that, the country is probably over developed as it is now. The clincher however is that major pollutants don’t directly suffer the effects of climate change. Third world nations do which is why these the same catalysts to ecological degradation are the same agents (e.g. G7 countries) that spearhead initiatives which appear ‘globally than locally beneficial’ (e.g. Endorsement of the Tobin Tax). The worst case scenario is that they are likely solving the wrong problem. For instance in the UK, oil dependency is misrepresented (however intentional or not) by energy experts and political authorities wherein the topic for domestic consumption eats more than half the time during public discussions when in fact, domestic consumption only accounts for 30% of the aggregate consumption (Mobbs, 2005, p. 1). As made implicit, the global financial crisis of late is another serious trouble that has garnered more than enough attention (e.g. initiatives for